Are you looking for God? The pursuit of God is the chase of a life time. In fact, its been going on since the day you were born. The question is: Have you been the hunter or the prey? This small group study is not about music. Its not even about going to church. Its about living your life as an offering of worship to God. Its about tapping into the source of power to live the Christian life. And its about discovering the secret to friendship with God.
In this four-week study, Buddy Owens, author and teacher, will help you understand the meaning of worship. Through his very practical, engaging, and at times surprising insights, Buddy shares truths from Scripture and from life that will help you understand in a new and deeper way just what it means to be a worshiper.
Listen to the Trailer
First Episodes
Trailer: The Way of a Worshiper: A new study from Saddleback Church's Buddy Owens
Are you looking for God? The pursuit of God is the chase of a life time. In fact, its been going on since the day you were born. The question is: Have you been the hun...

In View of God's Mercy
So, what do you do with a love like God's? How do you respond to that kind of extravagant love, grace, and mercy? In this session from Saddleback Church's pastor, Budd...

The Great Exchange of Worship
Last episode we saw that worship is declaring the worth or value of God. This week we look at the "great exchange of worship!" Worship aligns us with the throne of God...

The Place of His Presence
God still loves the world and he wants to love the world through you. Yes the world is sinful. Yes terrible things happen everyday. But God still loves the world despi...

Reading God ’s Mind
This is the final episode in our series. When you “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,” like the tea bag in water, it will change you from the inside out. ...